Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Types of Web Portals

A portal is a web site that play role as a single source for all information on an exact domain. A successful Web portal offers the user a broad array of information, arranged in a way that is most suitable for the client to admittance. When intended, put into practice and maintained properly a web portal becomes the opening or entry point of a web user introducing him into different information, resources and other sites in the internet. It has the power to draw jointly a common group of people, common on the basis of their age, occupation, position etc.

Portals are browser-based applications that allow activities including connecting business processes within the business and across the provide chain by unifying access to structured and amorphous information, integrating appliance to hold up the business processes as well as providing access to concurrent, current and consistent information. 

Types of Portals:

The portals can be distinguished on the basis of their content and intended users. They can be classifying into:

Vertical Portals

These are webbing portals which focal point only on one exact industry, field or vertical. Vertical portals or mortals simply offer tools, in order, articles, do research and information on the precise business or upright. As the web has develop into a ordinary tool for business web portals provide an ideal access for businesses to marketplace their products & services and to gain experience within their vertical by developing and using portals.

Most of the times, vertical portals proffer information and services customized to forte audiences about a particular area of interest. Vertical industry portals, known as portals, are sites that provide an entryway to information related to an exacting industry.

Horizontal Portals

These are webbing portals which focal point on a wide array of interests and topics. They focus on universal audience and try to present something for everybody. Horizontal portals try proceeding as an entry point of a web surfer into the internet, providing content on the issue of interest and guiding towards the right way to fetch more related resources and knowledge.

Intranet Portals (Enterprise Portals)

These are portals developed and maintained for employ by members of the intranet or the venture network. In today's demanding industry enterprise the key to efficiency of the employees depends on right to use to timely information and resources. The mainly ordinary execution of enterprise portals focal point on providing employees with this information on a regularly updated method along with document management system, accessibility of applications on insist, online preparation courses and etc along with communication in the form of emails and messaging, web get-together meetings etc.

Knowledge Portals:

Knowledge portals add to the effectiveness of knowledge workers by providing easy right to use to information that is essential or helpful to them in one or more precise roles. Information portals are not measly intranet portals since the former are supposed to provide extra functionality such as teamwork services, complicated information unearthing services and a knowledge map.

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